Being a member of the Professional Photographers of Canada (PPOC) means to work extra hard at always maintaining and distinguishing myself photographically. One of the ways to do that is to submit some of my portfolio images to be judged by some of my peers every now and again to obtain an accreditation.
When applying for an accreditation, we must submit 10 images in a category of our choice. These images are then judges and closely examined by a group of photographers. If all ten images are accepted, we receive an accreditation in the field that we submitted in proving our capacity at producing above average work in that particular field. It is not as easy as it seems. Everything has to be perfect; impact, creativity, style,
composition, presentation, color balance, centre of interest, lighting, subject matter, image file quality, technique and story telling all have to be extremely strong.
I’ve received my 4th accreditation this year in environmental portrait. I am extremely proud of this one. Find good light is one of the things I sometimes struggle with; the direction of light, the quality and color of it are all elements that need yo be seen and recognized.
So here are my 10 images in Environmental Portrait that got me my 4th accreditation with PPOC.